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Sunday, December 7, 2008
Cheetos Please
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Friday, December 5, 2008
Lucky Stiff
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Friday, October 10, 2008
Bday dinner
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Blue Egg Photography Note Cards
The other day Drew got a package from Blue Egg Photography. I was pretty curious, but I patiently waited for him to come home to see what was inside. I was thrilled to see the package contained beautiful cards of food! What could be better than pictures of food?? These are beautifully done artistic photos of food taken by Susan Lalich a chef and photographer. Her talent is truly amazing!
And apparently when Drew blogged about the cards here he was told that Chef Sue would be happy to hear how I would be putting the cards to use.
In his post, Drew explained that I have been working with an organization called ChemoAngels. ChemoAngels is a not for profit organization that provides a ray of sunshine to the lives of chemo patients by connecting them with volunteers who send cards, letters and small gifts to men, women and children who are enduring chemotherapy treatments.
I think I joined ChemoAngels about 7 years ago and still hear from former patients who have graduated from the program. It's rewarding to get a note that you made someone's day a little brighter. And I love stationary and writing, so this is the perfect volunteer project for me. And I bet my ChemoBuddies will love getting these beautiful cards for the next few weeks!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Eva's First Visit to Disney

All sunblocked up and ready to hit the park

Eva's loving the tram ride with Daddy

The Halloween decorations at Disney were just amazing.

Eva's first ride at Disney!

Eva fell asleep on the walk over to It's a Small World and slept right through the ride. But not to worry, we rode it again once she woke up.

Eva and Daddy in a cage!

Eva sitting on a Honey Pot in Pooh's Playful Spot

Mommy and Eva at Pooh's front door.
It was a long day at the park and Eva was a trooper! I think she held up better than mommy! But it was a great day and we're so glad to have been able to take Eva to meet the mouse!
Drew has some photos up on the Benspark and Mo has some up on her Flickr site from her entire weekend with Eva. Her commentary is worth the read!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
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Friday, September 12, 2008
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Thursday, September 11, 2008
My First Socks!
For your viewing pleasure, Eva and Mommy's blue socks!

Mommy's First Socks

Top View of Mommy's Socks

Mommy and Me Socks

Eva modeling her new blue socks!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Grandpa Dan-o.
Mobile post sent by AlSparky using Utterz.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Flip Flop Girl
Mobile post sent by AlSparky using Utterz.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
New Pics
And for your viewing pleasure:

Eva sporting her teddy bear raincoat!

Eva prefers not to wear the bows, she thinks they should be tossed about the floor. Mommy thinks the bows are cute.

Maraca Mama - Eva loves the maracas that her friend H sent her!

Baby Blues - Those eyes just kill me!

Superstar - Eva loves to play with mommy's sunglasses.

Smiley - Eva loves to smile.

Big Girl - Eva likes to try to stand when she's not near any furniture. So far it hasn't gotten any further than this. I'm really grateful that she's a dainty girl and hates to fall over, so she's very careful to sit. :-)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Eva and I riding the golf cart to the beach.

Eva enjoying the beach in Maine.

Eva with our friend Amy.

Me and Eva with our friend Amy. (Photo credit to Elise.)

Eva watching the waves on the ferry ride back to Portland.

Eva and her friend H check out the view.

The girls on the ride to Portland.

Eva and Uncle Nate in Portsmouth.