That's right - we have a big announcement to share. We've outgrown our college clothing!
No!!! Drew and I picked up these toddler shirts on our last visits to our respective colleges in preparation of this big announcment...
We're expecting our first child in October!
We're very excited and have been waiting to share the good news with everyone!
Now that the big news is out, I'll start posting photos of some of my knitting projects, most of which have been baby related.
Enjoy the happy news and keep an eye here for updates!
And she has knitted some wonderful things for our future baby. Which now when I say it is a reality and not my disclaimer so that we could keep Mo from going into heart palpitations.
You are too kind, sir. I'm still learning. But I do know that fuzzy yarn will hide all mistakes, just about. ;-)
Thank you for the clarification:) Ha! Maybe that was why I was so sick last week--I couldn't breathe because I was just waiting for the announcement of the year!!
Here's hopin' for a Red Sox win of the World Series the same day/month/and year that Baby Bennett is born!!
As long as the World Series ends around October 20th, that's cool. If not and this kid comes early, I'm holding you personally responsible and you will be expected to drive down from Maine for moral support! ;-)
If the baby actually is born on the day that the Red Sox win the World Series, you guys might make the local news!
I saw a story on TV about a woman who went into labor on Super Bowl Sunday, in one of the years that the Pats were in it. The woman and her husband were both die-hard Pats fans, and they had a TV brought into the delivery room so that they could watch the game.
The actual news story was done a few years later, because they showed the kid, now a toddler, running around in the family's yard, with a little Pats jersey and a little toy football. Oh, and they named him "Brady". It was a cute story.
Anyway, congrats to both of you on your impending family!
Congrats! I love how you made the big announcement..clever!
Thanks, jdoriot! The announcement was all Drew's idea, but I loved it! He's a creative fellow my husband!
AAAAHHHHHH! How is that I only today 1. found out about this blog and 2. found out you are PREGNANT!!!! I am freaking out. Congrats!
You're a busy lady WOTL! ;-) I thought I emailed you about it...
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